
Whether your entire home needs some love or you want to focus on one or two rooms, we have service packages available that make it easy to create order. Here’s a list of Calgary Home Organization services we offer, which all include an assessment, disposal of items, storage and the implementation of systems.

Boost your mood

one room

at a time


Home Organizers Calgary Services

General Home Organizing


Want some help with your home?  Our general home organization service includes editing, categorizing and putting new systems into place in desired spaces in your home.

New Mom and Family Support


Whether there’s a new baby on the way, or your growing family continues to overwhelm your house, we can lighten your load. From nursery organization and toys storage, we make life as a mom a bit easier.



Closets can quickly become one of the most overwhelming spaces in the home. Through sorting, donating and systemizing, we can create a closet where getting dressed is fun again.

Refresh for existing clients


If we’ve worked together, and you need some support, I can help you refresh your room or home again. A little more love can get you back on track.



Don’t need as much space as you once did? I can help you map out what you need to bring to make your new space feel like home.

Kitchens and pantry


It’s so much easier to enjoy the art of cooking when you’ve mastered the art of home organization.  I can help you create a kitchen and pantry where it’s always easy to find what you need.



Clutter and chaos can be just as overwhelming in an office environment. Let’s create an office that makes it easy to focus, be productive and achieve your goals.

Pack & unpack


When you move into a new space, it feels good to start off on the right foot. With this service, we’ll pack, sort, unpack and give you the fresh start you need.

Lumi & Lark clients

We help everyone breathe easier.

From growing families to empty nests, we’re here to meet every client’s needs so that they too can have a space they love, and feel comfortable in. Here are some common situations we often find ourselves in.

Lumi and Lark's reasons to get organized.
Not enough time

Are you longing for a more organized home, but just don’t have the time to do the work yourself? No worries. That’s why I’m happy to step in and take the physical (and emotional) work of organizing off your plate. You can make time for family, work and other priorities - and leave the organizing to me.

Laura Mastin is Calgary's number one home organizer.
New stage of life

Whether it’s a new baby on the way, kids leaving the home or helping an elderly parent move into a home, a change in the stage of life is the perfect time to work with us. We can help create systems and storage that make sense, dispose of items that aren’t needed any more and create rooms that function for the new you’re in and ready to celebrate.

Lumi and Lark's completed work in a beautifully clean and clear kitchen.
Overwhelmed by the process

So many clients start organizing but get overwhelmed by how much work they have ahead of them and simply give up. The good news is that I can come in and help you prioritize, and make the entire organization process more manageable. We can start small, and take baby steps to achieve your goals.

Lumi and Lark's completed work in a beautifully well organized closet.
A house full of stuff

It’s normal to want to hang on to stuff for sentimental reasons, but when ‘stuff’ starts to pile up, it does more harm than good. With my help, we can do a good purge, keep what matters most to you, and find a place to store all the items that you can’t part with. I understand the emotional part of getting rid of stuff, and create a plan that works for you.

Project feature

Refresh, transform and revitalize.

From growing families to empty nests, we’re here to meet every client’s needs so that they too can have a space they love, and feel comfortable in. Here are some of the projects we have worked on.




Pantry Makeover

Purging and implement a categorized system

To project



Closet Makeover

Colour and seasonal closet system

To project



Bathroom De-cluttering

A beautiful, easily accessible space

To project



Lighten your load today

Ready to reclaim your home and your life? You can book a minimum of 3 hours, and add organizational packages in 4, 6, 12, 16 or 20 hours with cost savings.


4 Hours - Save 3%


6 Hours - Save 5%


12 Hours - Save 8%


16 Hours - Save 10%


20 Hours - Save 12%