Kid's playrooms and bedrooms can easily become disorganized
Their toys have so many small parts, which quickly become mixed in with other items. When a child's room or play space is disorganized, the level of play is deeply affected. Children will easily become bored and lose interest in their play. Just like adults, children thrive on order and having a fresh space to be in. When everything has a home, play becomes deeper and children are much more engaged, enriching their imagination.
Keeping the space organized is the biggest and trickiest part. For small children, I would use a system with large images or labels of the toys so they can clearly see where they go back. Older children could have a written label along with an image as well. Children thrive on helping and feeling that they are doing an important 'job'. A timer can be set with clean up music or an incentive system can be created to keep the space in order. Lots of praise given and letting them know how important their role is in the family is key.

When it comes to keeping their rooms clean and orderly, the same ideas can apply. Children are not likely to hang their clothes, but can put them back in the drawers they belong to with images or labels as well. Let's be honest, they won't be folded neatly but different methods, such as rolling their clothes, can serve its purpose and get them in the habit. Try having them put their dirty clothes in the hamper and help load the laundry machine. I know it sounds like there is no way my child would go for this, but they watch their parents "work" all the time and like to feel like they are helping and contributing as well.
If you are interested in some ideas for labels with images or more specific tips, please feel free to reach out at: or check out my instagram: Lumiandlark